funeral home (葬儀場) 葬儀場

Content ID:2161549

  • 7
  • 300 GOLD
  • 2,500 CLIPPY

[Japanese version and English version included]
"BOOTH" and "SUZURI" sell three formats: CLIP STUDIO, PSD, and PNG.
If you are using a ComicStudio or another app, please access it from the link on your profile page.

It is a background material drawn with an analog-like self-made pen. 1200 dpi, line art created in vector layer.

This material was created with reference to the funeral rites of Zen Buddhism (Rinzai Buddhism), one of the sects of Buddhism.
Please note that there are differences depending on the region and denomination.
* In particular, the Jodo Shinshu sect has many differences from other sects, and wooden fish, shutoba, throne tiles, four flowers, and protective swords are generally not used.



Japanese 日本語

English English

Content ID:2161549

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

KATAかな(KATAkana)'s profile Go to profile

元漫画アシスタント。素材は基本モノクロ2値1200dpi A4~B4サイズ用。他環境では調整お願いします。 素材告知は当方X(旧Twitter)で行っています。 コミスタ・別アプリ向けPSD形式の素材はBOOTH・SUZURIで販売中。 CLIP STUDIO PAINT向け有償素材は予告なくGOLD販売のみへ切り替えることがあります。