Shale Brushes

Content ID:2160993

  • Free

Four brushes that can act as sketching, drawing, or coloring.

I heard a few people were looking for brushes that could act like this, so I took a little time & figured out something that might help.

These are a bit like chalk pastels, they're fun to use and give a great texture.  Please adjust the tilt, pressure, angle, & texture to your taste!

Here's a quick kitty drawing.  These work best on large canvases where you can really whip your arm around & get good lines.


Content ID:2160993

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

saturns_day's profile Go to profile

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D