Gothic Seamless Pattern Material 03ver3 (ゴシックシームレスパターン素材03ver3) ゴシックシームレスパターン素材03ver3
Content ID:2160820
Six new materials with separate fills and main lines have been added. 新しく、塗りと主線が分かれた素材6種を追加しました。
It will be a gothic seamless pattern material 03ver2.
01~06 is gradient map and the color can be changed for each part.
Since the background is transparent, the background color can be changed freely.
Sample gradient map are also enclosed.
Sample gradient map are also enclosed.
07~12 is made with one black color, and the other parts are transparent, so you can freely change the color with the black background and background color.
13~18 is a pattern with main lines. You can change the fill and main line color with main color and sub color.
The material itself is created in high resolution.
↓ Size Details
300dpi 8334x8334px

300dpi 8334x8334px

Category 1 カテゴリ1
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Old version