Sakura no Brush Spring Romance (さくらのブラシ春爛漫) さくらのブラシ春爛漫

Content ID:2160693

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

A lot of cherry blossom goods are sold in spring.
I wanted to fill the CLIP STUDIO with cherry blossoms, so I made cherry blossom materials.
I've seen it in comics and anime
"If you run the pen, the petals will dance"
I tried to reproduce the production with a CLIP STUDIO pen.
If the watercolor brush is cherry blossom petals when coloring
I thought it would be exciting.
Like it spreads when salted cherry blossoms are soaked in water.
I made a watercolor brush.
Please try using it if you like.
★ This is a repost because some of the materials were defective.
演出をCLIP STUDIOのペンで再現してみました。

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2160693

Published : 20 hours ago

Last updated : 20 hours ago

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