A lot of cherry blossom goods are sold in spring.
I wanted to fill the CLIP STUDIO with cherry blossoms, so I made cherry blossom materials.
I've seen it in comics and anime
"If you run the pen, the petals will dance"
I tried to reproduce the production with a CLIP STUDIO pen.
If the watercolor brush is cherry blossom petals when coloring
I thought it would be exciting.
Like it spreads when salted cherry blossoms are soaked in water.
I made a watercolor brush.
Please try using it if you like.
★ This is a repost because some of the materials were defective.
演出をCLIP STUDIOのペンで再現してみました。

Category 1 カテゴリ1
Sakura 2025 / Watercolor Brush (Kai) 桜2025/水彩ブラシ(改)
A pen that blooms when you draw a line / Black and white / Cherry blossoms 2025 線を引くと花が咲くペン/白黒/桜2025
Pen / cherry blossom that blooms when you draw a line 線を引くと花が咲くペン/桜
Pen with fluttering petals when you draw a line / Flowers / Cherry blossoms 2025 線を引くと花弁が舞うペン/花/桜2025
A pen with fluttering petals when you draw a line / cherry blossoms 2025 線を引くと花弁が舞うペン/桜2025
Sakura 2025 / Watercolor Eraser 桜2025/水彩消しゴム