Bottle of shichimi chili (spice bottle) (七味唐辛子のビン(スパイスボトル)) 七味唐辛子のビン(スパイスボトル)

Content ID:2160634

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A very ordinary bottle of shichimi chili. I modeled what I had in my house. The threaded part is also made. Please use it for cooking scenes and dining scenes at soba restaurants. ごく普通の七味唐辛子のビン。我が家にあったものをモデリングしました。ねじ切り部分も作ってあります。お料理シーンやおそば屋さんでのお食事シーンなどにご利用下さい。

I made it with CAD software called Rhinoceras, so the shape of the cap is precise and realistic. I had 😱 a hard time creating threaded parts with only pure shape data without textures. Please prepare your own bottle label. It's for shichimi chili, but if you devise the label, I think it will be a variety of spice bottles.

(Management Number: 0002)

Particular threaded part
I had a hard time. It is a surprisingly complex structure.

Commitment to the cap part

We are also particular about the gentle roundness of the top surface. It's a detailed description, but you should be able to feel the reality in these parts. Whether 😅 or not it can expand this far

The threaded part on the back of the cap is also reproduced.
I don't know if it will expand to this point (abbreviated

Cap and inner lid can also be removed.
Please use it for a scene where the contents of the bottle are dabbled at once.

Easy-to-hold origin position

The origin position of the bin and cap is set in the middle part so that it is easy to adjust the rotation when held in the character's hand. In the default state with a cap, the origin is installed on the bottom so that it is easy to place on the table.

ライノセラスというCADソフトで作ったので、キャップの形が精密でリアルです。ねじ切り部分の作成に苦労しました😱 テクスチャなしの純粋な形状データのみ。瓶ラベルは各自でご用意下さい。七味唐辛子用ですがラベルを工夫すれば色んなスパイスボトルになると思います。









material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • Default Default
  • CapOff CapOff
  • InnerCapOff InnerCapOff
  • CapOnly CapOnly

Update history

2025/03/22 公開。 0002-spice-7mi-bottle V3 2025/03/22 公開。0002-spice-7mi-bottle V3

Content ID:2160634

Published : 18 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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