Phillips screwdriver / flathead screwdriver (プラスドライバー/マイナスドライバー) プラスドライバー/マイナスドライバー

Content ID:2159646

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Precision Phillips screwdriver. It can also be changed to a flat screwdriver. I modeled what I had in my house. 精密なプラスドライバー。マイナスドライバーにも変更可能。我が家にあったものをモデリングしてみました。

I made it with CAD software called Rhinoceras, so the shape of the head of the Phillips screwdriver is precise and realistic. Only pure shape data without textures. It can also be a flat screwdriver.

(Management Number: 0001)

Valuable Phillips screwdriver models

Although there are many models of flathead screwdrivers, there are few models of Phillips screwdrivers, so please take this opportunity to use them.

Can also be switched to a flat-blade screwdriver

clip studio set +/- to 100 with the option slider in Paint to turn it into a flathead screwdriver. Please use 0 or 100.

You can rotate the head to the angle you want to show

Only the driver head can be rotated 180 degrees independently. Therefore, without changing the grip or hand pose, you can adjust the angle you want to show the driver head.
Adjust the RotateHead in the Options slider.

Beautiful lines and shadows with little squeaking

I'm creating a model so that the lines and shadows come out smoothly.

Special head shape

It is precisely finished by taking advantage of the characteristics of CAD.













material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • +/- +/-
  • RotateHead RotateHead

Update history

2025/03/19 公開。 0001-ScrewDriver-V5 2025/03/19 公開。0001-ScrewDriver-V5

Content ID:2159646

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 4 hours ago

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