It is a dandelion. Created in Blender.
It is about 15 cm high. The number of vertices is 15,457. The leaves are divided into groups of 8 and 7 pieces.
Flowers, buds, and leaf groups can be selected from the object list to show/hide, move, and rotate.
タンポポです。Blender で作成しました。

Texture extract lineThis is the result of enabling tone work.
("extract after posterization" is unchecked.) )

It is an image with a different perspective.

object list.

Flowers and leaves are created with only one face to reduce the number of vertices. Turning off (unchecking) backface culling to show the back side。 Backface sculling can be set from "→sub tool detail", "Environment" → "rendering settings".
(The description image below was used in another material "Rose Pergola", but the operation method is the same.) )




花と葉は頂点数を減らすため1枚の面のみで作成しています。裏面を表示するためにバックフェースカリングを off(チェックを外す)にしています。バックフェースカリングの設定は「サブツール詳細」→「環境」→「レンダリング設定」からできます。

material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト