Primitive Set of 5 (プリミティブ 5種セット) プリミティブ 5種セット

Content ID:2158815

  • 6
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I created it because it was inconvenient that there were no primitives for right triangles.
As a bonus, primitives such as semi-cylinders are also attached, which are easy to use for decoration of buildings.

Please use it for various backgrounds.



   Included in the set

      ・Right angle triangular prism
・Right angle triangular prism 2
・Semi-trapezoidal cylinder

A right-angled triangular prism is a square divided in half. A semi-cylinder is a circle halved.
There are two types: those with a large number of polygons and those with a small number of polygons.
Please switch between the object list or the preset selection. A semi-trapezoidal cylinder is a trapezoidal cylinder with a narrow upper area halved.
Like semi-cylinders, it contains two types: one with a large number of polygons and one with a small number of polygons.
Please switch between the object list or the preset selection. The semi-cylindrical is also for kamaboko, and the semi-trapezoidal cylinder is also for pudding and canelé atari ...? Right triangle prism 2 is a flat triangular prism.
It can be used for Atari on entrance slopes.

Please take advantage of it!



    ・直角三角柱 2

直角三角柱は正方形を半分に割った形です。 半円柱は円を半分にした形です。
オブジェクトリストか、プリセット選択で切り替えてご利用ください。 半台形円柱は、上の面積が狭い台形型円柱を半分にした形です。
オブジェクトリストか、プリセット選択で切り替えてご利用ください。 半円柱はかまぼこに、半台形円柱はプリンやカヌレのアタリにも…? 直角三角柱2は、平らな三角柱です。


right-angled triangle 直角三角形

cone 円錐

column 円柱

Content ID:2158815

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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