Iridescent glitter set (虹色キラキラセット) 虹色キラキラセット

Content ID:2158470

  • 98
  • Free
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I wanted cute glitter brushes, so I made a lot of them as I thought of them.
It turned out to be a flashy finish with extreme colors, but when you use it, it looks surprisingly cute.

Please use it if you like.
(・ ́з'・)

Produced at 350 dpi.



↑ Drawing with an additive (luminous) layer.

If it is a bright color close to white, it will not be visible, but if you use a gradient as a base, it will create a fantastic atmosphere and it is beautiful.
Please try and play (・ ́з' ・ )

* ↓ Drawn with normal layers. It has not been processed.

※ ↓ (5) ~ (7) is a brush that can change color with main color and sub color. Normally drawn on layers.

* ↓ (8) ~ (10) is a figure tool. (usually drawn in layers)

※ Please adjust the settings to your liking.

↑ 加算(発光)レイヤーで描画しています。


※↓通常レイヤーで描画。 加工はしていません。

※↓⑤~⑦はメインカラーとサブカラーで色かえができるブラシです。 通常レイヤーで描画。


※ 設定をお好みで調整してみて下さい。

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2158470

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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自作漫画と小説につける表紙を、自作ブラシで描きたくて素材の制作を始めました (・´з`・) ☆ギフト、いいね♡、DLありがとうございます!