【Limited Free】Shioi Brush / Brush (1) (【限定無料】汐籽ブラシ·畫筆①) 【限定無料】汐籽ブラシ·畫筆①

Content ID:2158151

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✦ These are two brushes that I have carefully tuned ✦

✹ (1) Outline brush ✹
⟡ This brush is my most used sketching tool! It fits perfectly with vector layers, and with vector erasers, you can quickly sketch line drawings ✦
⟡ The lines are as silky and soft as cream sauce, and the smoothness is extremely high ✦
⟡ The line drawing of the illustrated work is completed by this brush!

✹ (2) Coloring brushes ✹
⟡ This brush is especially effective for drawing on the folds of clothes! Celluloid-style drawing essential tools ✦
⟡ Most of the coloring I did with it! It can't be mixed, but if you increase the color mix, the feel will be pleasantly changed ✦
⟡ The coloring of the illustrated works is mainly done by this brush!

I hope you enjoy the brushes I made! (*╹▽╹*)
✦ 这是两款我精心调试的笔刷 ✦

✹ ① 勾线笔刷 ✹
⟡ 这款笔刷是我最常使用的勾线工具!它 完美适配矢量图层,搭配矢量橡皮可以 快速勾勒线稿 ✦
⟡ 线条如 奶油酱 般丝滑柔软,流畅度极高 ✦
⟡ 配图作品的线稿 由本笔刷完成!

✹ ② 上色笔刷 ✹
⟡ 这款笔刷對衣褶绘制特别有效!赛璐璐风格的绘制必备工具 ✦
⟡ 大部分上色我都是用它完成的!它不能混色,但如果你增加颜色混合,手感会 有惊喜般的变化 ✦
⟡ 配图作品的上色 主要由本笔刷完成!


✦ These are the two types of brushes I adjusted ✦

✹ (1) Line Art Brush
⟡ This is my favorite line art brush! It goes great with vector layer and you can use the vector eraser to quickly draw beautiful line drawings ✦
Smooth and soft like cream
The line art of the sample illustration was drawn with this brush!

✹ (2) Fill brush
⟡ Perfect for drawing wrinkles and shading clothes! It is a perfect brush for cel painting style coloring ✦
⟡ Most of my illustrations are colored with this brush! There is no color blending function, but if you adjust the blending amount, you can enjoy a different drawing taste ✦
⟡ The coloring of the sample illustration was finished with this brush!

I hope you like the brush I made (╹▽╹)

✦ これは、私が調整した2種類のブラシです ✦

✹ ① 線画ブラシ
⟡ 私が 最も愛用している線画用ブラシ です! ベクターレイヤーとの相性抜群 で、ベクター消しゴムを使えば 素早く美しい線画を描けます ✦
⟡ まるで クリームのように滑らかで柔らかい描き心地

✹ ② 塗りブラシ
⟡ シワや衣服の陰影を描くのに最適! セル画風の彩色にもぴったりなブラシです ✦
⟡ 私のイラストのほとんどは、このブラシで着色しています! 色のブレンド機能はありませんが、ブレンド量を調整すれば また違った描き味を楽しめます ✦
⟡ サンプルイラストの着色は、このブラシで仕上げました!


Content ID:2158151

Published : 4 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

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