Battlefield Dust Brush/Battlefield Dusts Brush (戦場塵ブラシ / Battlefield Dusts Brush) 戦場塵ブラシ / Battlefield Dusts Brush

Content ID:1687371

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I received a request for a message too apologetic happy, we will republish.

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Some of the material that can draw the garbage in the air is already out, "the thing that flew at the site of the fire is Deca more, and the thing that flies in the battlefield must be a big bet! 」... Created with a personal view and preference.

I think that not only the sure of the dust but also the dust which burns out "it is not burnt out" and "powder of the fire" can be able to be done by the shine.

It is a brush of the author's preference and thievery full, if it is likely useful for production shorter and directing.
Gentlemen, I'm ry.

Update history
2015.11.27 released
2016.11.12 re-released




2015.11.27 released
2016.11.12 re-released

Content ID:1687371

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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「よし絵を描こう」「描くってどこから?ブラシから?」‘ll let you fly to the moon. (日本語/English) // 公開ブラシ一覧 (◉ㅅ◉)ฅ