Photos of dead fish at the fish market (and some live crabs).
These are BIG PHOTOS, I did not compress these photos. So be careful if you have a slower computer or can't handle big sizes.

I put the scientific name for all those I could find, but I don't know which species these all are, sorry. I did my best to record the names, but since they were advertised in common English names (like "Black Bass"), I can't always find exacts. Do you know how many Moonfish there are? Tons.

Category 1
moonfish (species unknown)
red mullet (mulls) 2
whole red shrimp
red mullet (Mullus)
European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
shrimp whole 2
yellowtail (i have NO idea what species)
live blue crab 1 (Callinectes sapidus)
live blue crab 2 (Callinectes sapidus)
shrimp whole
shrimp - no head
shrimp - no head 2
whiting pile(Merluccius?)
raw shrimp pile
black bass pile (Centropristis striata)
strawberry grouper Epinephelus drummondhayi
croaker pile 2 (Sciaenidae)
croaker pile (Sciaenidae)
croaker pile (with phone shadow) (Sciaenidae)
butterfish イボダイ on ice Psenopsis anomala