【Free for a limited time】Flame effect brush (【期間限定無料】炎のエフェクトブラシ) 【期間限定無料】炎のエフェクトブラシ
Content ID:2157037
It will be the first flame brush produced, we plan to color it in a future update, and it will be offered for free during the trial period! !!

The poses and canes used in the samples are currently on sale, and there is a place below where you can search for created material with Asagumo, so if you have something you are interested in, please download it and use it! !!
I plan to upload a lot in the future, so if you like it even a little, please follow me and wait for the next one! !!
Reference diagram

It is set to appear randomly as shown below.




Category 1 カテゴリ1