[What is included in this material collection]
・ Set of 2 poses placed
・3D Object Bonus plates and trays
2 body shape change drawing dolls
more than
【Example of use】
◆I made it with natural and beautiful poses in mind. Please use it from various angles.
・Model The default drawing doll is arranged for ease of use.
It is attached as a bonus, so please use it if you like.
BL185cm Class Medium Meat Ver.1 (8 heads)
BL175cm Class Medium Meat Ver.1 (7.8 heads)
・ Placement, etc. It will be arranged in bulk as shown in the overall figure, so please adjust it to your liking.
There is a part made by removing the joint angle limit, so if the angle does not return during adjustment
Uncheck the joint angle limit in [Pose Basic] from the sub tool detail palette.
Ver1.12.0 or earlier users may not be able to place them all at once.
After applying the model and pose from the individual material, enter the location information manually.
・ We have prepared a simple plate and tray that can be used for a rough atari.
・ We have prepared a prototype of a drawing doll adjustment model. Coming soon.
・Prices and contents of materials are subject to change without notice.
・ポーズ 2個配置済みセット
・3Dオブジェクト オマケ皿とトレー
・モデル デフォルトのデッサン人形を使いやすくアレンジしています。
・配置等 全体図のとおりに一括配置されますので、お好みで調整してご使用ください。
・ ざっとしたアタリくらいには使える簡単なお皿とトレーをご用意しました。
・ デッサン人形調整モデルの試作品をご用意しました。近日発表予定です。