It was corrected somewhat due to some of my mistakes.
It will be free for a while, after which it will be back online for 20CP. I often forget to log in to CLIP.
A set of brushes for painting.
chromatically 上色
Heavy texture flat round 重质感扁圆
Slightly oblate 微质感扁圆
The two-tone texture is flat - ordinary 双色质感平-寻常
The two-tone texture is flat and heavy 双色质感平-厚重
Mixed color texture flat-vertical 混色质感平-竖
The mixed color texture is flat-horizontal 混色质感平-横
The smudge texture is flat 晕染质感平
Moist borders are flat 水润边界平
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Gifts 赠品
Update history
2025.02.05: Added 3 brushes. 2025.02.05:增加了三支笔刷。
Old version