♦Rake Liner♦

Content ID:2148187

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A rake-style blotchy pen best suited for thick or bold lineart.

♦ Rake Liner ♦
It is made with a rake-like shape as the brush tip, so every individual stroke makes five parallel lines, giving this split-linework effect.

In my personal opinion, it is best suited for very bold or thick lineart, as the effect is best appreciated that way, but it makes for a decent enough thin liner pen nonetheless.

Good pressure sensibility and taper, so it can manage to make very thin and thick lines on the same sizing. The thumbnail illustration, for example, was made without changing the size of the brush at all.

The taper is also particularly suitable for drawing chunky eyelashes.

This image, too, was made entirely with a single size of brush.

I'm not particularly good at calligraphy, so this is not the best example, but I can imagine you can use this brush to make some amazing lettering if you're interested in that!

Let me know if you have any questions on how to use this!

Content ID:2148187

Published : 5 hours ago

Last updated : 5 hours ago

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