나무 줄기 펜 (Tree Trunks & Branches) (나무 줄기 펜 (Tree Trunks & Branches)) 나무 줄기 펜 (Tree Trunks & Branches)
Content ID:2144450
덩쿨에 가까운 나무 줄기입니다.
제가 쓰려고 만든 펜이라 조악합니다. 배경용이나 묘사 추가용으로 쓰면 될 것 같습니다.
It's a tree trunk brush pack which is close to a vine.
It's a pen I made for personal use, so it's rough. I think it would be good for use in backgrounds or adding some points on your own trees!
덩쿨에 가까운 나무 줄기입니다.
제가 쓰려고 만든 펜이라 조악합니다. 배경용이나 묘사 추가용으로 쓰면 될 것 같습니다.
It's a tree trunk brush pack which is close to a vine.
It's a pen I made for personal use, so it's rough. I think it would be good for use in backgrounds or adding some points on your own trees!
Category 1 카테고리 1