A brush set packed with various cookies, it will be the basic front angle.
No main line, for color illustration,
It has a resolution of 350 dpi and a width of about 350-450 pixels, and can be enlarged to some extent.
Chocolate chip cookies (round), chocolate chip cookies (circles, each angle & cracked),
Chocolate chip cookies (square), flower cookies,
Assortment (1) (6 types of classical), Assortment (2) (5 kinds with nuts)
It is a set of 7 types of brushes, including colorful flower sugar and 3 plates.
Please use it in combination according to your taste and situation.
Please use it as it is for backgrounds and image shots,
If you want to have it on a clear character of the main line, you can use the same color as the main line to get used to it.
* Please note that if you enlarge it too much, the outline will become rough.
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Chocolate Chip Cookies チョコチップクッキー
Various angles chocolate chip cookies 角度色々チョコチップクッキー
Square Chocolate Chip Cookies スクエアチョコチップクッキー
Flower Cookies お花クッキー
Assorted Nut Cookies アソートナッツクッキー
Assorted Retro Cookie Kai アソートレトロクッキー改
Flower sugar フラワーシュガー
Round plate front 丸皿正面
Black plate front 黒皿正面
Pink floral pattern on the front of the plate プレート正面ピンク花柄
Update history
Thank you very much for the many DLs, likes, and gifts!
2025.01.12. 1 type of retro cookie and 3 types of plate front have been added.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please re-download.
2025.01.12. レトロクッキー1種、プレート正面3種追加いたしました。
Old version