Crackling Pen (까슬까슬 뀰략펜) 까슬까슬 뀰략펜

Content ID:2143701

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It is a pen of a fluffy texture. 가슬가슬한 질감의 펜 입니다.

It is a rough-textured memetrical pen that was born while trying to make tangerine lac material.
It has a fine texture and a rough texture, so I recommend using it for the sketching stage.
The recommended size is about 2~4, and the larger the size, the more the tangerine peel-like texture will be revealed, which is also appropriate for expressing tangerine peel. (Originally intended for this purpose.........)

귤락 소재를 만드려다 탄생한 거친 질감의 뀰략펜 입니다.
자잘한 질감과 러프한 질감으로 밑그림 단계에 사용하길 추천드립니다.
추천 크기는 2~4 정도이며, 크기를 키울수록 귤껍질 같은 질감이 드러나 귤 껍질을 표현하기에도 적절합니다. (원래 이 용도였습니다.........)

Content ID:2143701

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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