Gasa Gaya Line Pen (ガサ伽サ線画ペン) ガサ伽サ線画ペン

Content ID:1688111

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To create a Caspar with a feeling of analogue. The line which I drew with an ink brush was scanned.

* (2018/03/26 appended) bug response of this brush which occurred after Flipboard was added (I apologize that the description was delayed without noticing).

* (2017/03/13 PostScript) The tool name has been partially changed to avoid confusion.

※ (2017/01/10) I was allowed to introduce the tool of the other author like good compatibility with this tool with sample images.

* Analog picture → Tip is added at the bottom that can be used as a correction and retouch after digital transplantation. If I can be useful to unkown that will end up in touch.





As a workaround to this brush bug ( which seems to have occurred since version 1.7.0 Flipboard, try to set " direction of applying" in sub tool detail palette → "brush tip " to "vertical ".

I wanted a line to be Cassac when I pulled it quickly and adjusted it, but, if I do not come out without pressure weak (our considerable brush weak), the pressure sensitive one should readjust each setting and use it.
I use it for the manga Main Line (up to 600dpi). Gasa & A sense of Casa.

バージョン1.7.0アプデ以降に発生したと思われる本ブラシのバグ( )への対処法としましては、サブツール詳細パレット→「ブラシ先端」内の「適用方向」「垂直」に設定する、をお試し下さい。


Content ID:1688111

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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