Hot Deal: 3D Movable Reindeer and Solisette (【大特価】3D可動式トナカイとソリセット) 【大特価】3D可動式トナカイとソリセット

Content ID:2139205

  • 165
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a set of movable reindeer and sleds made of 3D material.
Come when you want cute reindeer and sleds.
The reindeer has bones, and each part rotates and moves.

☆ Feet, bells, etc. can be rotated, but there is no angle limit, and depending on the angle, it penetrates the object.
Please use the operation with "pose parts Presets".

Number of vertices: Reindeer 31,822
     Soli 33,062

* Materials are subject to change and updates and prices without notice. Currently, paid materials are offered at special prices for the first few days only.


【頂点数】トナカイ 31,822
     ソリ   33,062


3D movable reindeer and solisette 3D可動式トナカイとソリセット

Content ID:2139205

Published : 10 hours ago

Last updated : 10 hours ago

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【3Dで爆速、枕で爆睡】まくら印のSianap(しあなっぷ)です。加筆が少なくて済む、朽ちた・風化した建物や小物の素材をメインに制作しております。 少しでも作業の負担を減らして、ゆっくり眠れる時間を増やすお手伝いが出来たらうれしいです! ※仕様上価格・素材名変更時に通知が行くことがありますが、更新履歴に記載がない場合は特に変更はありません。