(Limited time 10CP) Someone's postcard ((期間限定10CP)だれかのらくがき) (期間限定10CP)だれかのらくがき

Content ID:2139135

  • 32

It is a collection of image material that looks like a quick scribble with a pen. ペンでささっと落書きしたような画像素材集です。

★ During the login bonus period, the sale price will be 10 CP.

It is a collection of 19 images of small object, a brush from which they appear, and 4 images that look like a slightly larger ivy pattern decoration.

There is also a vector layer version of the image material, so you can apply your favorite pen tip settings.




image material (Raster Layer) 画像素材(ラスターレイヤ)

image material (vector layer) 画像素材(ベクターレイヤ)

brush ブラシ

Content ID:2139135

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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