Alcohol Marker Color Set

Content ID:2137679

A large selection of Alcohol Marker Colors.

This color pallet set contains 357 colors to simulate an alcohol marker set. Each individual marker color has 3 shades to simulate single pass, double pass and triple pass tones. I scanned the swatches I made with my markers, layered them to make the shades and ordered them as they were ordered in the box. This was something I made for my personal use but thought other people might like to make use of it as well.

This pallet was used to color the picture below using the Default Tools: Felt Pen, Round Mixing Brush (with altered paint density and amount), Blend Tool and Blur Tool.

Steps for basic layered shading:
  1. Color Flats. (I like to make a new layer for each color)
  2. New Layer (for each flat color layer)- Opacity 100, blending mode Darken. Apply shadows with a low to mid opacity brush. Clip to flat layer.
  3. New Layer (for each flat color layer)- Opacity 40, blending mode Add. Apply Highlight with a low to mid opacity brush. Clip to flat layer.

Optional steps:
  • Make a new layer at the top and apply a texture over image to achieve the traditional look you desire. Experiment with different  blending modes.
  • Using the blur tool, soften some harsh edges in shading.
  • Create a between your subject and the background with add glow blending mode and create a highlight around your subject to help it stand out from the background.
  • Create a tone correction layer to lighten the colors to look more like traditional media.
  • Experiment with different brushes and blending modes for the shadow and highlight layers.
  • Apply a Gaussian Blur or Radial Blur Filter to the background.

Alcohol Marker Sets

Content ID:2137679

Published : 2 months ago

Last updated : 2 months ago

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