We created a container house.
In the past, we have produced a group of containers for the container storage area, but this time we have flattened it and added the action of opening and closing the container door in the center.
The previous container was only the exterior, but this time I think that the inside of the container can be used as a hideout or for checking cargo in investigations.
Since the position of the handle for opening and closing is different, the closed state and the design of the container that can be opened and closed are different, so they are put separately in the layout.
Three colors are available.

material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
Tea 茶
green 緑
disposition 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
Door opening 扉開
Door opening layout ドア開閉用レイアウト
pose parts 可動パーツ
Right door opening and closing 右ドア開閉
Left door opening and closing 左ドア開閉