Classical Simple Frameset v2 (クラシカルシンプルフレームセット v2) クラシカルシンプルフレームセット v2

Content ID:2134793

  • 4,144

It is a set of classic frame image material with a simple construction.
You can use it for one-point decoration, heading, title frame, etc. ◎
* This is a frame only image material. The decorations used in sample images, material collections, and image material thumbnails are not included in this material collection*

■ Number of materials: 75
(25 types in total, 75 types including border difference)

■ Color change: Yes ◎
You can change the color using layer color effects, fill layers clipped to the image material, etc.

If you use layer color effect, the main color is the border and the sub color is reflected in the background.

■ Three border designs are included in each frame image.

Since the number of materials has increased with the update, each of the three frame image material patterns has been combined into one.
When you drag and drop a downloaded material from the material palette onto the canvas, a layer folder with a set of three frame images will be inserted, so use the image material of your favorite border design.


■ 収録素材数:75点

■ 色変更:可◎


■ 各フレーム画像に3パターンの枠線デザインが収録されています。


ClassicalSimpleFrame ClassicalSimpleFrame

Update history

■Material collection has been updated(2024.12.3) ・ Changed the title of the material collection (Before: Classic Simple Frameset / After: Classic Simple Frameset v2) ・ Adjust distortion, misalignment, line width, etc. of the old frame material - Corrected the design of some old frame materials. ・ Added new materials ([#09], [#21] ~ [#25]) ■素材集をアップデートしました(2024.12.3)
(変更前:クラシックシンプルフレームセット/変更後:クラシカルシンプルフレームセット v2)

Old version

Content ID:2134793

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 3 months ago

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