3D [Antique] Various watches 6-piece set (3D【アンティーク】いろいろ時計6点セット) 3D【アンティーク】いろいろ時計6点セット
Content ID:2131368
This is a set of 6 watches with an antique design.
A wall clock and a wall clock are included.
It is recommended not only for rooms, but also for stores, castles, ateliers, etc.
It can be used in a wide range from modern to fantasy.
Choose your favorite design from the layout.
Both long and short needles can be moved.
[Size reference]
The room uses "LD Series 05" ID: 2068572, which is sold separately.
The sofa uses the separately sold "3D [Antique] Single Sofa 5-piece Set" ID: 2117559.
* Depending on the specifications of the PC, it may take some time to load.
* Some accessories may overlap with materials sold separately.
*Prices are subject to change without notice.
部屋は別売りの「3DとあるLDシリーズ05」 ID:2068572を使用しています。
ソファは別売りの「3D【アンティーク】シングルソファ5点セット」 ID:2117559を使用しています。
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
Type-A Type-A
Type-B Type-B
Type-C Type-C
Type-D Type-D
Type-E Type-E
Type-F Type-F