Image material and brushes for a swirly magical fire.
This was so pretty I needed to put it out in the world for people to use. There's the image materials and, for convenience, brushes too. I think it'd be good for magic fire spells? They're pretty big so they should be good for many uses.
Two brushes: original colors, main+sub color.
To use the image materials, drag them from the material catalogue onto the canvas, resize and position them. For the black & white ones, use the layer colors to color it. You can get really different feelings depending on what colors you use.
1. Drag onto the canvas
2. Position it
For other colors, use the main + sub color material.
1. Drag to canvas
2. Reposition
2. Use the layer colors to change the colors. Main color will be the center and sub color the outside bits.
The brushes work like fairly normal brushes, I guess?
Image material