Acrylic marker style color set + felt-tip pen brush (アクリルマーカー風カラーセット+フェルトペンぽいブラシ) アクリルマーカー風カラーセット+フェルトペンぽいブラシ

Content ID:2127473

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It is a color set inspired by stationery water-based markers (pens called felt-tip pens, opaque markers, etc.), and a brush that looks like it as an extra. 文具の水性マーカー(フェルトペン、不透明マーカーなどの名前で呼ばれるペン)をイメージしたカラーセットと、おまけのそれっぽいブラシです。

One point for designs such as pop deformed pictures and item writing.
I also added neutral colors, so maybe I can paint people?
Also for analogue-style illustrations.

When I experimentally made the brush like a marker, it became cuter than I expected, so I put it on.
All handwritten parts of the explanatory image use this brush. It is opaque but a little soft, and the thickness is constant.

Use it as you like, such as highlighting analogue-style illustrations, mixing colors, and setting blur!

↓ This is an example of using blur "soothing watercolor" and texture "drawing paper" (both CLIP STUDIO default).





Acrylic Marker アクリル風マーカー

Content ID:2127473

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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素材いつもお世話になっております。 noteに多少クリスタのtipsを書いたりしてます。URLからどうぞ。 練習がてら素材をあげはじめました。