I want to make color checking easier auto action (彩色チェックを楽にしたいオートアクション) 彩色チェックを楽にしたいオートアクション

Content ID:2117490

  • 114
  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a auto action that supports coloring check!

What can be done
(1) Confirmation of forgotten painting
(2) Check whether the tres line (three primary colors) remains

~Tool Description~
After auto action run, layer 1 and layer 2 appear.

Layer 1: Check for forgotten paint
・ Make a black and white show layer and check for forgotten painting.

Layer 2: Check if tress lines (three primary colors) remain
- Detects whether the three colors RGB(0,0,255),  (0,255,0), and (255,0,0) remain in the corresponding layer. If it remains, the corresponding part will be light blue 🩵.
・ Due to the specifications, if there is nothing left, the screen will be light blue.

・ Assuming an image that has been colored in Paintman. We do not support situations such as multiple layers or no transparency. Thank you for your understanding.
・ If you play with it, you can change the color of the corresponding tress line, add it, etc.

examples will be added later




・RGB(0,0,255) , (0,255,0 , (255,0,0) の三色が該当レイヤーに残っているのかを検出します。残っている場合、該当箇所が水色🩵になります。



Old version

Content ID:2117490

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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