Clothing & Fabric Patterns (服・布地パターン) 服・布地パターン

Content ID:2117393

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It is a material made with the intention of using it for kimono, but I don't think it will feel out of place if you use it for clothes.
I gave it the names "wool" and "hemp" because I thought it would look like that.
Please use it if you do not need a pattern on clothes, but it will be sticky with ami or noise.
"Sugiaya" is a pattern that is also called "herringbone" in clothes. I made it by hand, so I think the screen will not be hard.

"Sendaihira" is a simple stripe, but since it is a material made to draw hakama, it also contains brushes made of the same material.


"Sendaihira" is the name of the finest hakama, a fabric with vertical stripes.
The hakama with crested haori hakama, which is the first dress of modern men, is matched with this "Sendaidaira" hakama.


wool ウール


Aya Sugi 杉綾

Sendaidaira 仙台平

Content ID:2117393

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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