Ribbon with choice of design (デザインを選べるリボン) デザインを選べるリボン

Content ID:2116900

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It is a gray image material that allows you to choose the shape of the ribbon and the presence or absence of a center part. リボンの形状とセンターパーツの有無を選べるグレースケールの画像素材です。

Ribbon with choice of design

Easy to use

The material has the following composition,

You can toggle the display of the layer folder to change the design
  • Center parts hidden
  • Wheel: Standard
  • Sauce: Standard

customize usage
  • Hatches can be hidden
The layers of each part are divided into line art, base, and others (gloss and hatching), so you can also switch the display state.

  • You can change the lines to any brush shape you like
The line art of each part is vector layer.
(vector layer is not easy to deteriorate when scaling, and the touch of the line can be easily changed)
* The gloss of the base, hatching, and center parts will be raster layer.

you can edit a line by following these steps

  1. Select the object operation tool from "Tools"
  2. Select the lineart layer you want to edit from "Layer"
  3. From the "tool property" (or the "sub tool detail" palette that can be opened from the spanner icon in the lower right corner of the tool property), you can edit items such as line width, color, presence or absence of pen pressure, and brush shape.

Example changes:
  • Hide hatching
  • No line art pen pressure
  • Change line drawing thickness
  • Line art brush shape "dotted line"

We hope 🎀 it will be useful for your creation.



  • センターパーツ非表示
  • 輪:スタンダード
  • たれ:スタンダード

  • ハッチングは非表示にすることができます

  • 線を好きなブラシ形状に変更できます


  1. 「ツール」からオブジェクト操作ツールを選ぶ
  2. 「レイヤー」から編集したい線画レイヤーを選ぶ
  3. 「ツールプロパティ」(またはツールプロパティ右下のスパナアイコンから開くことができる「サブツール詳細」パレット)から、線の太さ、色、筆圧の有無、ブラシ形状などの項目を編集いただけます

  • ハッチング非表示
  • 線画筆圧なし
  • 線画太さ変更
  • 線画ブラシ形状「点線」


Content ID:2116900

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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