Star 01-1. (星空01-1) 星空01-1

Content ID:1358798

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It is the image material which imagined the shining sky of the star. Can be used as a background. 星の煌めく夜空をイメージした画像素材です。背景に活用できます。

In the tool property palette, you can change the size and angle of the image or the pattern.

If you want to dot the pattern, click the tone icon in the layer property palette.
If you want the pattern to be transparent, such as whitewashed, select use brightness of image under concentration.

※ In the sample image, I use the menu screen in the CLIP STUDIO PAINT1.1.0.



※作例内では、CLIP STUDIO PAINT1.1.0でのメニュー画面を使用しています。

Content ID:1358798

Published : 12 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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CLIP STUDIO PAINTの開発・販売を行うセルシスの公式アカウントです。CELSYS official account. We develop and sell CLIP STUDIO PAINT.