Mountaineering shoes (登山靴) 登山靴

Content ID:2115658

  • 5,164
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D material of mountaineering shoes. 登山靴の3D素材です。

Overall Image:

Material: 4 (3 colors, white)

When attaching a parent and child to the default drawing doll, the attachment destination is placed in a roughly position if the right foot and left foot are respectively.

Please adjust the scale etc. according to the person to be used.
Reference example: 100 men, 90 women

We hope it will be useful for your creation.






Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

2024/09/18 Divided into a material collection on the left and right, and added materials again. 2024/09/18 左右それぞれ分けて素材集にし、またマテリアルを追加しました。

Old version

Content ID:2115658

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

maya8maya's profile Go to profile

blenderで3D素材を作っています。 ダウンロード、いいね、ギフトを頂きありがとうございます。大変励みになっております。 素材は予告なく価格変更、削除等行う場合がございます。予めご了承ください。