The afterlight 01_halo (後光01_halo) 後光01_halo

Content ID:2115057

  • 52
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a collection of materials for halo 3D Object.

It is a object with a strong habit, but I thought that depending on how I used it, I could create an interesting expression, so I created a material collection.
The layers are divided into about 2 ~ 3 layers, so you can use various combinations by yourself.
The initial size is around 250 cm.

TL conversion example & production example

I create by combining scaling and two halos.

※ Drawing doll is not included
* We plan to add object and op date. In that case, the price may change without notice. Note





Afterlight Halo 後光halo

Update history

20240918 F.F.L.A. 20240918 E・Fの追加

Content ID:2115057

Published : 3 days ago

Last updated : 18 hours ago

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主に3D素材をアップしていきます。 いいね!・ダウンロード・ギフト・フォローを頂き大変恐縮です、ありがとうございます。 ・素材は、更新、変更、稀に削除する可能性がございますのでご了承ください。 ・アップデータする際には、一時的に非公開になる場合がございます。

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