3D rooftop (school series / day / evening / lit / movable / full size / height guide) (3D屋上(学校シリーズ/昼・夕方/ライティング済/可動/実寸大/身長目安付)) 3D屋上(学校シリーズ/昼・夕方/ライティング済/可動/実寸大/身長目安付)

Content ID:2114917

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D model of the roof of the school that reproduces shadows and textures with textures, can switch between day and evening, switch the display of each part, and change the size.
In addition, since it is produced with the same "School Series" materials, it can be used in combination.

★ Shadows and textures are reproduced with textures.
★ You can customize the size freely
★ Each part is independent and can be displayed separately / opened / closed / rotated
★ Conforms to common full-scale sizes. It comes with a convenient height guide.
★ Can be connected to materials from another school series


★ Shadows and textures are reproduced with textures.

★ You can customize the size freely
・Rooftop (West)
・Rooftop (center)
・Rooftop (middle)
・Rooftop (East)
It consists of four object of the same standard, and you can freely customize the rooftop size by connecting them (it is easy to do if you turn on the snap function).

★ Each part is independent and can be displayed separately / opened / closed / rotated (default of layout preset can be restored to the initial state)

↓ Example of hiding part of the wall

↓ An example of writing out two sheets with a net displayed / hidden from the same angle, overlapping and thinly masking only the human part

↓ pose parts preset is set on the large clock, so you can easily set the time. Windows and doors can also be opened and closed.

★ Conforms to common full-scale sizes. It comes with a convenient height guide.
・ Since it is produced according to the actual size, it is easy to match the size.
・ Lines are drawn on the design of the wall and mesh frame to serve as a guide for height (160 cm / 110 cm). It is useful for getting an idea of the height of the character. If you turn on the ruler (→show ruler right-click on the ruler icon of the layer), you can draw a character with accurate perspective and height like a thumbnail.

★ Can be connected to materials from another school series (this material is only available on 3D rooftops)

↓ Example of connecting a 3D staircase and a 3D corridor of the school series (it is easy to connect if you turn on the snap function and use the outdoor unit pipe as a guide)

↓Connection with 3D staircase

↓Appearance when connected to 3D corridor and 3D stairs

↓ Change to evening with material preset to connect

* This is a school series that is open to the public.
Please search for "school series".

[3D classroom (illuminated / ICT compatible / movable / full-scale / school series)]
Content ID: 2067403
It is a full-scale 3D classroom that reproduces shadows with textures.

[3D corridor (illuminated / movable / full-scale / school series)]
Content ID:2067400
It is a full-scale 3D corridor that reproduces shadows with textures.

[3D staircase (lit, movable, eye level, full size, school series)]
Content ID: 2067399
It is a full-scale 3D staircase that reproduces shadows and textures with texture.

[3D School Toilet (Illuminated / Barrier-free / Movable / Full Size / School Series)]
Content ID:2094998
It is a full-scale 3D school toilet that reproduces shadows and textures with textures, can switch between day and evening, and display each part.
Since the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is promoting barrier-free school toilets (because schools also serve as evacuation centers in the event of a disaster), we have installed two barrier-free toilets.

















Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2114917

Published : 3 days ago

Last updated : 3 days ago

ヨワタリJAWS's profile Go to profile

★第4回 生賴範義賞 優秀賞受賞 『CLIP STUDIO PAINT』及び『Blender』で制作した作品が賞をいただきました。 ★日本人の魚離れ問題に真剣に向き合いながら、身近な食材やフィールドワークで撮影した動植物・風景写真などを元に素材を制作しています。 ★創作活動:男性育休取得漫画【そーむ課】/本格寿司物語【しゃーく☆フロンティア】(Kindle)/地方密着海グルメ物語【綿津見神鮫記カイセイオー】 漫画はPixivで公開中!  映像制作やペーパークラフト設計、HPデザイン・構築とかもやっています

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