Mesh Ribbon BX - SD (网纱丝带bx——sd) 网纱丝带bx——sd

Content ID:2114496

  • 213
  • Free

Note: Only ribbons are used with this brush
This is a translucent ribbon brush that mimics real life
☆ The foreground color is set to the desired color, and the back color must be set to white, otherwise the texture of the yarn will not be drawn

Category 1 類別1

Content ID:2114496

Published : 4 days ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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cn:peloka ‖ 请不要因为笔尖图案这种小事举报我(而且我并不是出于恶作剧性质而设置的,也并不影响使用)这甚至都没写在违规条例里,害得我都不清楚哪违规了号就被封了,我连cp都还没拿到呢😓 ‖ 真的很委屈很无语哈……🤒‖ 如果真的有什么问题请私信我