Handwritten Grade (手書きグラデ) 手書きグラデ

Content ID:2114196

  • 18,227

It is a set of 6 types of hand cross-hatching written grade tones and brushes.
Created at 600 dpi with thin lines and larger sizes.

Because it is handwritten, it is uneven or has a strong habit. It can also be used to launch from a betta.
Please use the tone by dragging and dropping the material as it is where you want to attach it.


tone トーン

brush ブラシ

Content ID:2114196

Published : 5 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

黒柳ユウキ's profile Go to profile

自分が欲しいと思ったり、必要に駆られて作った素材を公開しています。 そのため、基本的にモノクロ漫画用が多めです。 素材に関しての要望等はダイレクトメッセージよりお願い致します。