Shine X (輝きX) 輝きX

Content ID:2113930

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This is a prototype brush for black and white comics with slightly strong and weak lines. There is a bit of sloppiness on the white background. I couldn't find a glitter shaped like a shuriken, so I made it because I wanted it. If you add anti-aliasing, you can use it in color (other materials may be prettier). 線にやや強弱のついた白黒漫画用の試作ブラシです。白地に少しずさんなところがあります。手裏剣みたいな形状のキラキラが見当たらず、欲しくて作りました。アンチエイリアスを入れればカラーでも使えなくはないです(ほかの素材のほうがきれいかも)。

A cantaloupe that fills the gap appropriately and inflates the center with a warp tool.

Content ID:2113930

Published : 6 days ago

Last updated : 6 days ago

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Have a nice day for creation! Thank you. 画材問わず人がペンを動かして描いた絵が好きです。