Shooting Star Brush Set (流れ星ブラシセット) 流れ星ブラシセット

Content ID:2110848

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

I wanted to float shooting stars in the night sky, so I created a brush. Three types of brushes are available: comets, meteor showers, and stardust. 夜空に流れ星を浮かべたくて、ブラシを作成しました。彗星、流星群、星屑の3種類のブラシを用意しています。

There are three types of brushes for drawing shooting stars.
The comet brush is a cometary brush with a tail on the gas at the core.
The meteor shower brush has multiple nuclei and a tail on the gas that flows around them.
The stardust brush is sprinkled with cartoonish stardust, and gas flows through them as if you were wearing them. The color of the gas reflects the color specified for the brush.

The part of the tail is adjusted by pen pressure and speed, and when brushing the brush, if you apply less pressure and faster, the tail will be thin and small-grained.

The Meteor Shower Brush and Stardust Brush change their size by adjusting the particle size of the tool property.

This is a sample image of the comet brush.
For the core part, I reproduced a realistic shape by sampling an image of a stone like that I had at hand. By carrying the brush, the thickness and thickness of the gas change.
If you change the color of the brush to pink, the gas that wears the core is also pink.

If you want to represent a meteor shower that you can actually see, you can use this brush to make it look like this. The colors are more exaggerated than the real thing.

This is a sample image of the meteor shower brush.
The nucleus uses the same stone sample as the comet, and the grains are smaller so that many are drawn.
Actually, it seems that there are no shooting stars like this, but I wonder if it will look like this when you see the asteroids up close...

This is a sample image of the stardust brush.
The color of the stardust grains is a fixed color made by mixing several colors, but changing the color of the gas changes the atmosphere.
The top two are drawn with one stroke by changing the color of the gas that will be the tail, and the bottom two change the color of the gas and increase the number of stardust by reciprocating the brush several times on the head to make it thicker, and only the tail part is quickly removed with one stroke.

I created it on a whim, but it seems that there are various ways to use it, so I would be happy if you could use it!









Shooting Star Brush 流れ星ブラシ

Update history

2024/08/30 Initial Registration 2024/08/30 初期登録 

Content ID:2110848

Published : 18 days ago

Last updated : 18 days ago

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