・ The font used is Iwata Antic, and other characters are handwritten.
・ It is a set of 3 types of gorgeous oke sushi by size, 2 types of tea sets, and accessories.
・ Please enjoy the liveliness of the tabletop at banquets and meal scenes!
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
1 serving 1人前
All, with lid 全部・ふた有り
All, no lid 全部・ふた無し
4 servings 4人前
8 servings 8人前
Tea set 1 お茶セット1
Tea set 2 お茶セット2
Soy sauce, wasabi, small plate 醤油・わさび・小皿
chopsticks, etc. 箸など
pose parts 可動パーツ
Soy sauce lid opening and closing 醤油ふた開閉
Update history
2024.8.22.Listing 2024.8.22.出品