Mizu Old Statue

Content ID:2107468

  • 100 GOLD
  • 500 CLIPPY

Easy Old bronze statues with only few clicks!

Use any image and convert it to “Old Bronze statue” with this easy material.

Get best results with shading images. Your source can be greyscale or color.

Convenient "Level correction" to adjust the patina intensity (green effect)

Put your statue inside the folder Satue HERE, you can erase the "TestBall" :)

Another Sample, a Kenku color bust converted to bronze statue!


Update history

Initial Version

Content ID:2107468

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

MizuNya's profile Go to profile

Hi! ˆ_ˆ/ I make video games at Milkstone Studios. I like to make 3d, concept art and illustrations.