SB Watercolor Branch Grass Brush (sb水彩枝草ブラシ) sb水彩枝草ブラシ

Content ID:2107202

  • 1,237
  • 10 GOLD
  • 20 CLIPPY
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

This is a plant brush created in analog watercolor. Reflects main color sub color. アナログ水彩で作成した植物ブラシです。メインカラー・サブカラーを反映します。

The ribbon brush draws branches one by one.

The single leaf stamp depicts only the leaf part.
Please add to the missing parts with the ribbon brush.
If you go around, you may become a bush.

As an extra, I added a by-product shigemi brush created with the above two types of brushes. This also reflects the main color and sub color.




Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2107202

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 21 days ago

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気が向いた時に素材投下してます。故郷はお絵かき掲示板。 素材は予告なく値上げすることがありますが、値下げはないです。(先に購入頂いた方に損をさせたくないため) 取得した素材はCLIP STUDIO ASSETS規約の範囲内で自由にご利用ください。 You can use my brushes without my permission if you follow CLIP STUDIO ASSETS Terms of Service.