Age-specific body type set V5 (15 types) (年齢別体型セットV5(15種)) 年齢別体型セットV5(15種)

Content ID:2107088

  • 2,192

Set of 15 types. (Thicker body shape)


- It is a body shape set V5 by age (child, adult, elderly).

It's a hassle to look at anatomy books one by one, so I made it as a reference for body shapes.

Since it is for yourself, I think it is easier to use if you adjust it arbitrarily.
Please use it if you like.







↓This is a comparison image of the body type set V1~V6.

↓ There are 15 Thailand body types below.

↓ If you uncheck "Adjust head and body according to height" in sub tool detail, you can change only the height without changing the head-to-body ratio.




somatotype 体型

Content ID:2107088

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 2 months ago

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