BabyHeadA that can change facial expressions (表情を変えられるBabyHeadA) 表情を変えられるBabyHeadA

Content ID:2106655

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You can use this material with Clip Studio Paint Ver.3.0.0 and newer. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.3.0.0 )
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D Object baby head A that can change facial expressions. I created it with the image of a child who is about 8 months old and has grown two teeth. 表情を変えられる3Dオブジェクトの赤ちゃんヘッドAです。生後8か月くらいの下の歯が2本生えてきたくらいの子をイメージして作成しました。

This material uses the shape function, so CLIPSTUDIO Ver3.0 must be loaded yes. Please keep that in mind.

You can change the expression by operating the shape keys. It contains 26 patterns of facial expressions, but you can create various expressions by combining key operations.

Comparison with and without light source

Working with Shape Keys

Facial expression variations
I prepared 26 paturns. You can blend this!

By combining the original 26-Thailand shape keys, you can create various expressions!

Please use a numerical value that looks beautiful by adjusting the parallel light intensity and ambient light intensity from the sub tool detail.


LT conversion example
(1) With tone

 (2) Line art only

(3) Example of illustration creation

こちらの素材はシェイプ機能を使うものなので、CLIPSTUDIO Ver3.0がダウンロードされている必要があります。その点ご注意ください。











material マテリアル

Content ID:2106655

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

とんちゃん0610's profile Go to profile

3DCG素材の販売をしています。需要が分からないので、こんな物があったらいいな♪やクリスタASSTESに欲しい素材が無いなど、リクエストがあれば気軽にメッセージ下さい。自分が作れそうな物は作ろうと思います。兄に習って製作中ですがまだまだ半人前なので、作れない物も結構あります(´。・ェ・。`) If you have any requests, please feel free to message me. I will try to make what I think I can make.