Easy-to-use primitives for lighting (ライティングに使いやすいプリミティブ) ライティングに使いやすいプリミティブ

Content ID:2105526

  • 21,934
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.12.7. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Latest function of Ver.3.1.0: 3D primitive material created to utilize 3D material projection.

When using, set "Light source" → "Shadow" → "Cast on floor and model", and turn on "Cast shadow of this model" below.

Depending on the composition, place the default planar primitives behind the character or on the ground.


 Can be used in layers.


It is recommended to use with the following materials.

Content ID:1931270 Change color in one shot


After rasterize the 3D material, you can create a layer of light by playing the "Bright" action:

This layer can be used directly to color the illustration.








コンテンツID1931270 一発で色味を変える




Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

I registered the material as a primitive, not a 3D layer. 3Dレイヤーではなく、プリミティブとして素材を登録しました。

Old version

Content ID:2105526

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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すべでの素材を削除しないことを保証します。未公開の素材は編集後に再審査になりお待ちください。I promise not to delete any asset.unpublished asset must has been re-examined after editing.please wait. 使用中有任何问题请私信联系我。 素材の使用に関する不明な点があればお問い合わせください。 If you have any problems in using the asset,please contact me.

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