Three-dimensional string & tuft brush set in one shot (一発で立体紐&房ブラシセット) 一発で立体紐&房ブラシセット

Content ID:2142329

  • 58

Color changeable 29-point brush set!
Three-dimensional string & tuft brush in one shot.
Please see 👇 the other one-shot three-dimensional brush with the ID below.
One-shot hair brush set
Content ID: 1816272

Three-dimensional ribbon material collection in one shot All 24 types
Content ID: 1968868

一発で立体リボン素材集 全24種類

The color of the red part can be freely changed according to the main color and sub color.

You can freely change the direction of the brush and light with [Orientation].

Set the main color to dark and the sub color to light.
For brushes with only main color and sub color, there is no problem reversing the light and dark, but if you add other colors, the light and dark will be strange if they are reversed, so don't reverse them. 👇

The default setting put border of watercolor.
👇 You can turn off the border effect by unchecking it.

You can change the direction of the bunch by switching between [in] and [out].







Water lead 水引

Octarade 八つ編み

Kongo knot 金剛結び

Braids 二つ編み

other その他

Content ID:2142329

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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