Watercolor Textures 26 (水彩テクスチャ26) 水彩テクスチャ26

Content ID:2104416

  • 1,039

<Watercolor backgrounds and textures> <水彩背景・テクスチャ>

It is produced in A4 size and 350 dpi.
It's not seamless.

You can use it when drawing backgrounds, layer it as a texture on top of a coloring layer to increase the amount of information, and use it for various purposes.

↓ Example of use.

Images of usage examples are also included as Mr./Ms. pulls.
(The star brush used will be released at a later date)

Thank you for watching.






Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2104416

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

桜塚shinobu's profile Go to profile

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