6 patterns of beach chairs (ビーチチェア6パターン) ビーチチェア6パターン

Content ID:2101866

  • 145
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a chair that is called a beach chair, deck chair, summer bed, etc.
It does not recline.
There are 6 patterns × 2 colors of frame and 3 colors of sheets.

→ "Operation" and "object" to select a 3D material, and from the menu bar, "Select Material Preset" will show color variations.

3D drawing figure deployment image

extract line image





material マテリアル

  • white/black white/black
  • white/white white/white
  • white/green white/green
  • black/green black/green
  • black/white black/white
  • black/black black/black

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2101866

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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Xでは「てーむ」と名乗っております。主に漫画アシをして生計を立てている者です。 3D素材はblenderで作っています。日々勉強。 ダウンロードありがとうございます。