GDB2 Ganja Brush Set 2 (GDB2 がんじゃブラシセット2) GDB2 がんじゃブラシセット2

Content ID:2100796

  • 68,697

This is a set of brushes and pencils with brushstrokes that are a little milder than GDB.
I think that the range of textures will be further expanded by using them together. We hope you enjoy it.

The pencil brush is inspired by a drawing pencil of a certain manufacturer.
It has a dark pigment colored pencil drawing taste.

↓ Pull Mr./Ms. drawing using a brush set.
* Normal blur tool is also used.

↓ Brush set brushwork Mr./Ms. pull.





Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2100796

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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