Electric Bass 2 (エレキベース2) エレキベース2

Content ID:2100397

  • 19,526
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is an electric bass 3D model. It has a precise shape and sense of scale close to that of a real electric bass.
It is manufactured at a level that can be inserted into the illustration as it is, and the operation is very light.

The LT conversion is also very clean with preset free rotation of the pegs. You can change the material to 11 colors.

material マテリアル

  • Trad White Trad White
  • Alice Red Alice Red
  • Flower Orange Flower Orange
  • Hair Black Hair Black
  • Gosick Red Gosick Red
  • Modern White Modern White
  • Star Blue Star Blue
  • Girly Girly
  • Sea Blue Sea Blue
  • Natural Natural
  • Gray Gray

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • peg1 peg1
  • peg2 peg2
  • peg3 peg3
  • peg4 peg4

Update history

2024-7 More colors! 2024-7 色が増えました!

Old version

Content ID:2100397

Published : 2 months ago

Last updated : 22 days ago

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